Caliber 5.2.2 - Workout-Level Muscle Groups, New Dark Mode Sections, Performance Improvements
Hi everyone! We just released an update to the app, which includes a few new features, more dark mode screens, and some performance improvements.
Here's what's new in version 5.2.2 👇
New Features:
- Workout-Level Muscle Groups. If you tap into the Overview tab on the main workout screen, you’ll now see a ‘Muscles Involved’ section for the workout as a whole. This will dynamically show primary and secondary muscle groups that are being targeted across all exercises within the workout, and should update in realtime if you make any exercise changes.
- Tappable Muscle Groups. Each muscle group in the ‘Muscles Involved’ section, at both the workout and exercise levels, are now tappable, revealing a bottom sheet with additional info about the muscle group, along with the exercises within the workout that target the specific muscle group.
New Dark Mode Sections:
- All activity bottom sheets on the Home Screen
- All bottom sheets on the Exercise Screen, including rest timer, stopwatch, and plate math
Performance Improvements:
- Refactored the rest timer and stopwatch behavior to improve performance while these are running
Up Next:
We’ve started working on the Add/Substitute Exercise Screen, which is the last screen within the workout experience that we still need to revamp for Dark Mode. As part of this, we’ll be standardizing the UX/UI on this screen, while adding additional filter types, making it easier to find the exercises that you’re looking for.
Hope that you all have a great weekend ahead, and please let us know if you have any feedback on these latest updates!