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Caliber 2.5.2 - Messenger Rebuild, Updated Training Plan UX

Here's what's new in version 2.5.2 👇


App Improvements:


Messenger Rebuild

Due to some persistent Messenger-related issues with Android 13, we needed to rebuild various aspects of how this works more fundamentally. The good news is that this should not only solve the issues that many Android 13 users were experiencing with Messenger, but should also offer performance improvements across all devices (typing responsiveness, scrolling speed, etc).

Anna Davis
Released 🎉


  • Messenger Rebuild. Due to some persistent Messenger-related issues with Android 13, we needed to rebuild various aspects of how this works more fundamentally. The good news is that this should not only solve the issues that many Android 13 users were experiencing with Messenger, but should also offer performance improvements across all devices (typing responsiveness, scrolling speed, etc).

Make creating new workouts clearer

This would make it easier to create new workouts from the Training Plan section of the app.

Chris Muir
Released 🎉


  • Updated Training Plan UX. While you could always create new workout plans from the Training Plan section of the app, this wasn't very obvious. With the updated UX, it should be much clearer that you can create as many different workout plans as you like, either from Caliber templates or from scratch.


Bug Fixes:


We've fixed an iOS bug where the feature explanation question marks weren't working properly.
